Starts: 23 Apr 2025
Learn the techniques of harpsichord playing and interpretation of early music, including continuo playing. A mixed-level class for players with at least two years' experience on a keyboard instrument.
Learn the techniques of harpsichord playing and interpretation of early music, including continuo playing. A mixed-level class for players with at least two years' experience on a keyboard instrument.
Playing the prepared repertoire under the guidance of your tutor Observing your fellow students and listening to the tutor’s comments - an opportunity to make notes, listen and compare, develop critical judgement Sharing and discussing problems, solutions, ideas Reading handouts of notes, e.g. tables of ornaments, figured bass examples Listening to tutor’s lectures and presentations Attending external events (optional - possible further cost of ticket and travel) Performing in front of your fellow students at the end of term informal concerts You will need to follow and contribute to discussions in English. Music Study can include the use of digital resources such as listening to recordings, watching videos online, using appropriate mobile applications and following Microsoft Teams -Morley's virtual learning environment- to enhance your learning inside and outside the classroom. Music study also offers a range of benefits including being an enjoyable way to enhance wellbeing. Music practice at Morley can also serve to enhance skills relevant for employment including developing creativity, developing high-concentration levels, building self-confidence, working to deadlines, being able to control nerves and working as part of a team.
Keyboard skills (medium standard recommended), no previous experience of playing the harpsichord necessary Ability to read music Willingness to practice outside the class Interview with tutor prior to enrolment if necessary
There are no special precautions. As with all music learning, good level of focus and self-discipline are necessary. Achievement on your course will be measured by whether you meet the learning outcomes above.. Your progress towards achieving the learning outcomes will be reviewed throughout the course. At the start of the course you will have an opportunity to discuss these with your tutor and set your own personal targets, linked to the learning outcomes and future goals i.e.: progression to another course. Excellent attendance and punctuality is required from all students. This course requires study/completion of activities outside of class time.
Music (repertoire will be decided by the tutor each term), notebook, pencil; optionally manuscript paper.