When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Late starts accepted
  • Tutor Gordana Kostic
  • Course Code W24VSSB01B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Based at the Waterloo Centre, Anyone Can Sing Choir is for new and returning singers of all ages looking to develop confidence, improve the ability to pitch accurately and learn more about healthy vocal production, through new, fun repertoire and exercises. If you feel you have little or no singing experience, and may lack in confidence, this is the choir for you! Music reading is not necessary, just a sense of curiosity, positive attitude, and fun.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify some ways to control the pitch and quality of your voice
  • Learn exercises to help increase your vocal range and agility
  • Learn some foundations of healthy vocal production
  • Carry out exercises to improve sense of rhythm
  • Build confidence in your vocal abilities
  • Identify key features of the music introduced in class, including exploring the meaning of the text.

Class format and activities

The class begins with a gentle physical warm-up and vocal technical exercises. The choir learns a variety of unison, two and three part songs by ear and from music. There are opportunities for tutor feedback and group discussion.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements to join the Anyone Can Sing Choir - as the name suggests, this is a course for anyone who wants to join a fun ensemble in a relaxed environment and learn more about what their voice can do!

What you need to know before you enrol

There may be light movement and breathing exercises, so please let the tutor know of any issues that may affect mobility or breathing.

What you need

Copies of the music and/or lyric sheets are supplied by the tutor, and you just need to bring a pencil for making notes.

What you can do next

You may stay in the Anyone Can Sing Choir for as many terms as you wish. There is new repertoire each term. Morley College also has many other choirs, catering to a wide range of musical tastes and abilities including Meridian Choir, and Morley Chamber Choir. Voice Training: Beginners, and Solo Singing: Beginners represent the very next step in terms of building the skills to sing solo with more confidence. You may also be interested in developing your musical skills further through a variety of musicianship courses.