Dramatic Arts
This is a year-long course, at the end of which, successful students become recognised Lambeth Tour Guides. It is delivered at Morley College in conjunction with the Lambeth Tour Guides Association.ociation.
This accredited course consists of 30 evening sessions on a Thursday and 15 sessions on a weekend morning or afternoon (usually Saturdays). Students will be required to devote additional time to self-study and for the completion of assignments.
This accredited course consists of 30 evening sessions on a Thursday and 15 sessions on a weekend morning or afternoon (usually Saturdays). Students will be required to devote additional time to self-study and for the completion of assignments.
The course is taught through a mixture of lectures, practical walks, presentations and workshops. As the course progresses, students will be expected to give presentations on particular themes. The course is assessed by a written project and by two practical examinations. In addition, the course tutors will monitor students’ learning throughout the course and will give formal feedback at regular intervals during the course. When completing your personal statement, please include: What is your favourite part of Lambeth and why? Why do you want to become a Lambeth guide? Any practical tour guiding experience
A wide range of resources will be available to students, both in Morley’s library and in the Borough Archives. Access to the internet is required for the development of virtual presentations. Basic computer skills are required (use of email, ability to research topics on the internet, use of word processing software). In addition, familiarity with Powerpoint, Keynote or equivalent software will be an advantage. You should also be prepared for rainy or windy weather during the half-days spent out and about on the streets of Lambeth.