When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Beverley Daniel-Blugh
  • Course Code W24DNEG02C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Have you ever wanted to learn Salsa? Are you ready to spice up your dance routine? Join our salsa class for an energetic and fun experience.. Whether you are a complete beginner or working to refine your moves, your tutor will guide you though the fundamental steps of this vibrant dance style. Enhance the rhythm, meet new friends and let the music move you!

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Learn the basic steps
  • Learn to lead and follow in partner dance
  • Dance rhythmically to salsa music making use of styling and improvisation when dancing

Class format and activities

Class will begin with warm-up to prepare you for class activities. Following warm-up, steps and patterns will be broken down and class will end with a cool -down.

Entry requirements

Be prepared to have fun in a safe and supportive environment. Don't stress about making mistakes as everyone learns at their own pace.

What you need to know before you enrol

Salsa involves partner dance, so be prepared to work with different partners. Should you have any particular learning needs, please speak to your tutor. Photography and film recording of class activities may be used in order to aid learning. These images may also be used for publicity or marketing materials produced by Morley College, both online and in print. You will have the opportunity to either confirm or decline consent to being filmed or photographed. Dance study offers a range of benefits including being an enjoyable way to increase fitness whilst enhancing wellbeing. Dance practice at Morley can also serve to enhance skills relevant for employment by means of encouraging increased confidence, physical dexterity and concentration

What you need

Please wear comfortable dance shoes. Please avoid outdoor shoes or trainers. Water for hydration. Being prepared with these basics can make you feel more confident and help you make the most of your salsa class.

What you can do next

For more information about our range of dance study, please visit https://www.morleycollege.ac.uk/courses/subject-areas/dance/