When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Late starts accepted
  • Tutor Dominic Grant
  • Course Code W24DMAC03B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

The course will accommodate and challenege both those who are new to developing their Public Speaking and those with experience who want to sharpen their practice. Embodied thought, action and listening skills will be central as will developing a genuine and organic confidence. You will understand and take ownership of a core skillset that will be yours going forward: Always Available. These ambitions and Outcomes will run alongside developing your ability to objectively and compassionately appraise both your own work and that of your colleagues, creating a confident, well rounded and robust communicator.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Prepare and deliver speeches up to three minutes long
  • Deliver impromptu speeches on topics chosen by tutor
  • Take part in a Voice Workout for developing and protecting the voice
  • Understand how to appreciate and evaluate another student's work
  • Recognise and utilise effective and congruent body language
  • Understand, master and employ effective eye contact

Class format and activities

A fun but also demanding range of exercises and tasks relating to your physicality, psychology and physiology ( especially in relation to voice production) will be central to your journey on this course. The experience and learning are cumulative – so good attendance and promptness are essential.

Entry requirements

We try to cater for everyone who wishes to improve; a reasonable level of conversational English is preferred.

What you need to know before you enrol

Students are expected to do some work or preparation between the weekly sessions. Excellent attendance and punctuality will be required from all students. This course will include some completion of activities outside of class time, e.g. preparation of favourite exercises to share with fellow students. Please click here to explore all our available Drama resources online and at College.

What you need

An open mind and a flexible approach to the subject. Notes may be taken, but handouts are provided to cover most aspects of theory.

What you can do next

Further Public Speaking courses at Morley. LAMDA speaking exams; Toastmasters International and British Association of Speakers' Clubs. For more information, check the website or contact admin@morleycollege.ac.uk