When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Maria Zulueta
  • Course Code K24MCAC05B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course provides an in-depth introduction to the art and techniques of Pâte de Verre, a form of kiln casting glass that involves creating detailed and colourful glass sculptures from finely crushed glass particles. Students will learn about the history, materials, tools, and methods necessary to create their own Pâte de Verre pieces. For more information about the course contact Maria Zulueta: Maria.Zulueta@morleycollege.ac.uk

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Introduce to new glass kiln-formed glass practice skills using glass granules and powders, clay modelling, plaster mould making and casting techniques
  • Pursue personal project work by making vessels, architectural pieces, or sculptural work
  • Develop ideas and individual creative identity through project work
  • Explore and practice new sculptural techniques and mediums that you haven't tried before
  • Encourage good workshop practice including Health and Safety concerning yourself and other studio users.
  • Develop critical decision-making skills about your work and as a member of the class/group


  • Full fee
  • Concession fee
  • Class format and activities

    You will work on individual projects exploring different mould making sculptural techniques and mediums. Short projects are set as an introduction to new materials and as a guide to the possibilities and language of sculpture. Step by step instruction and demonstration is given on new techniques. Handouts are given on Health & Safety, materials, techniques & reference materials. Tuition is primarily one-to-one, and some group works with beginners. All learners negotiate individual learning goals with tutor and record and assess these goals on the Individual learning Plans. To ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive environment.

    Entry requirements

    This course is suitable for beginners, or those who have some previous knowledge but would like further guidance and practice working with these processes.

    What you need to know before you enrol

    It would be helpful to bring a sketchbook/notebook, pencils/pen/marker pen etc. You will need to wear sturdy shoes, boots or trainers (no open sandals); an apron. We have basic tools in the workshop which have been adapted to facilitate a safe learning environment. Glass and other materials are available for sale to students, however, Learners may want to buy or bring in their own resources, to have a wider variety in choice of materials.

    What you need

    It would be helpful to bring a sketchbook/notebook, pencils/pen/marker pen etc. You will need to wear sturdy shoes, boots or trainers (no open sandals); an apron. We have basic tools in the workshop which have been adapted to facilitate a safe learning environment. Glass and other materials are available for sale to students, however, Learners may want to buy or bring in their own resources, to have a wider variety in choice of materials.

    What you can do next

    This course will provide confidence to work independently towards your own professional development. With these transferable skills learners can further develop creative potential and expand learning within 2D & 3D studies: we encourage progression onto other intermediate or advanced courses within our glass provision at Morley: these may include the Btec Level 2 or 3 in Glass as well as other courses in Art & Design the college provides. Please speak with your tutor for further advice or information.