When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Richenda Court
  • Course Code W24PTGA02A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

On the first day the course will look at artists who take inspiration from the subconscious as a starting point for their work including the prints of Leonora Carrington, Gertrude Hermes and Eileen Cooper. Exercises will be set which encourage the use of the subconscious proceeded by guidance on how to develop these drawings by adding colour, text and composition to enhance the imagery. On the second day, using the drawing material and experiments from the first week a single colour linocut will be made.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Experiment with different ways of working from the subconscious including drawing.
  • Develop ideas into a composition for linocut
  • Become familiar with linocut tools, printing press and relief printing procedures.
  • Become familiar with the different mark making qualities of linocut
  • Develop skills, personal visual language and critical decision making
  • Use equipment and tools safely in accordance with health and safety advice given by the tutor

Class format and activities

The teaching of the course is organised in a way where interactive group discussions are encouraged and one to one tutorials are offered for more personal individual attention. As adults there is flexibility and understanding within the class with the main purpose of bringing out the very best in students by sharing fun and creativity within the realms of professional knowledge.

Entry requirements

No entry requirements are needed for the course. Although an awareness of the arts or previous experience is very welcome.

What you need to know before you enrol

This course is suitable for beginner students as well as more experienced printmakers. Beginner students are those with little or no knowledge of printmaking and returning students are classified as those who have attended previous printmaking courses at Morley College or equivalent courses elsewhere.

What you need

On the first day, it will be helpful for students to bring along a sketchbook, portfolio, if they have them, apron and drawing materials i.e. a variety of pencils 2B-6B, rubber, pencil sharpener. Drawing skills are always helpful however the tutor is happy to offer guidance and offer support if required.

What you can do next

There are follow on courses throughout the year.