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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Late starts accepted
  • Tutor Nikki Santilli
  • Course Code W24DNEE02B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course continues the study of Swing Dances from a chronological perspective but at Intermediate Level. The main focus of the course is on Lindy Hop but also includes Bal-Swing, a style of Balboa that emerged on the West coast of America in the 1930s. Danced to the same swing music (but often the faster tempos), Balboa is like a swinging ballroom dance that has enjoyed a worldwide renaissance in recent years on social dance floors where swing music is played. It can be mixed with Lindy Hop in freestyle. Each class will begin with 15 minutes of classic Jazz Steps or stroll with the Level 1 group and the course will include session dedicated entirely to learning through freestyle. In these periods, students will generate questions and study topics arising from their own practice. This is to ensure the course nurtures the growth and development of the individual dancer within a group study environment. Achievement on your course will be measured by whether you meet the following learning outcomes. At the start of the course you will have an opportunity to discuss these with your tutor and set your own personal targets, linked to the learning outcomes and future goals i.e. progression to an advanced-level course.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Leading and following intermediate-level figures in Lindy Hop 
  • Leading and following intermediate-level figures in Balboa
  • Increasing coordination and musicality through regular practice of Jazz Steps 
  • Assess aspects of one's own social dancing in order to direct one's future learning 


  • Full fee
  • Concession fee
  • Class format and activities

    The class will consist of a warm up, step & rhythm combinations to understand the music and expand your repertoire of steps, and working with a class partner to understand and execute partnering techniques Dance suggested combinations and enjoy experimenting with your own. The class blends tutor-led instruction & demonstration with partner work among students with the tutor on hand to provide guidance and feedback. Level 2 students are invited to arrive 15 minutes before the start of class for a simulated social dance where they can warm up/practise various moves and combinations, with the benefit of having the tutor on hand to answer questions and give tips. In order to ensure you make the best possible progress on your course and to ensure that all modes of attendance are equally acceptable, you will have regular constructive and supportive feedback from your tutor.

    Entry requirements

    This class is open to all and starts from scratch. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of Balboa or Bal-Swing. You do not need to have a partner, although booking with a partner will help to keep the class balanced.

    What you need to know before you enrol

    Balboa is a closed hold dance. You must feel comfortable dancing close to another person. Bal-Swing is a semi-open and open embrace. Students will work in partners (fixed or rotating with others in class) You do not need to book with a partner, although to do so will help keep the class balanced for leads and follows Excellent attendance and punctuality will be required from all students. This course will include activities outside class time, e.g. extra practice, watching supporting clips. Photography and film recording of class activities may be used in order to aid learning. These images may also be used for publicity or marketing materials produced by Morley College, both online and in print. You will have the opportunity to either confirm or decline consent to being filmed or photographed.

    What you need

    A bottle of water. Shoes: It’s important that you are able to slide easily, so shoes that have leather or suede sole are best. Heels for follows are an option.

    What you can do next

    The Morley College dance department provides an exciting and diverse range of term-time and short course dance study provision. Please speak to your tutor, pick up a prospectus, look at our website, call the dance department (0207 450 1832) or email ( for more information.