When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Late starts accepted
  • Tutor Olutosin Obisesan
  • Course Code W24MITA01B
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This module is the second part of the Aim for Functional Skills Maths Level 1 programme. It's for students who have achieved Entry 3 in Maths but are not yet ready for Level 1. Alongside strengthening your numerical abilities in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole and decimal numbers, as well as fractions, decimals, and percentages for everyday life applications, there will be a focused emphasis on problem-solving involving measurements, conversions, and data handling. The learning outcomes for Module 2 include mastering the skills from Module 1, along with two new, slightly more challenging objectives:

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Add, subtract, divide and multiply whole numbers and decimals with and without using a calculator
  • Work out fraction and percentage parts of quantities
  • Calculate durations for various activities or shifts, understanding start and end times, event durations, and scheduling
  • Solve problems involving conversion between metric units of length, weight and capacity

Class format and activities

You will have one lesson per week.. There will be compulsory homework. Microsoft Teams will be used for assignments and additional learning, including discussion boards, group chats, private messaging, and submitting coursework. Assessment methods: Achievement in your course will be measured by formative assessment against the learning outcomes. Your progress towards achieving the learning outcomes will be reviewed throughout the course. At the start of the course, you will have an opportunity to discuss these with your tutor and set your personal targets, linked to the learning outcomes and future goals.

Entry requirements

Maths skills at Entry 3 or equivalent, along with English/ESOL skills at the same level or equivalent, are required. All new students must take an assessment before enrolling. Assessment dates are regularly updated on our website. Progressing students moving up from Functional Skills Entry 3 or Aim for Functional Skills Maths Level 1 Module 1 will be invited to join based on their attendance and homework completion records from the previous term or academic year.

What you need to know before you enrol

This course runs once a week, and you are expected to attend every session. A minimum of 90% attendance and punctuality are required from all students. This course requires some personal study time in addition to the completion of homework. Please set aside at least 3 hours per week for these activities.

What you need

You will need a calculator, writing materials, a notebook, a geometry set, and a computer/tablet with Internet access for your homework. A mobile phone alone may not be suitable for completing maths assignments.

What you can do next

After completing this course, you'll have the opportunity to move to the accredited Functional Skills Maths L1 course in September 2025. Progression is offered by your tutor at the end of term 3, and the decision depends on your progress towards set targets, attendance, homework, and assessment records.