Carbon Literacy:
Building Unconscious Competence

Sustainability Champions delivering carbon literacy training
Project overview: a commitment to environmental conservation
Our carbon literacy training initiative is a vital part of our sustainability commitment, contributing to environmental protection and fostering social responsibility. Implemented in collaboration with the Local Skills Investment Fund, this project aims to empower all 16-18-year-old students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and reduce their carbon footprints, ultimately supporting a healthier planet and a more sustainable society.
Empowering Sustainability Champions
Our journey began with our Sustainability Champions, who participated in external Carbon Literacy Training. These champions then shared their knowledge by conducting sessions for our tutors, fostering a culture of sustainability and raising awareness throughout our institution.
Using the Carbon Literacy Project Toolkit
In agreement with Manchester Metropolitan University, our training materials are based on their Carbon Literacy Project Toolkit. This toolkit offers a well-structured and research-backed framework for understanding the impact of carbon emissions and identifying effective mitigation strategies. By incorporating these high-quality resources, we ensure that our educators and students are equipped with the most current and comprehensive knowledge to make meaningful contributions to environmental conservation.
Building unconscious competence in carbon literacy
In our carbon literacy training, we guide learners through the stages of developing environmental competence. Initially, students may be unaware of their lack of knowledge about sustainability (unconscious incompetence). As they become aware of their environmental impact and the need for change (conscious incompetence), they start learning and applying sustainable practices with deliberate effort (conscious competence). Ultimately, we aim for these practices to become second nature, leading to automatic, environmentally conscious decisions (unconscious competence). This approach ensures that sustainability becomes an integral part of their daily lives and long-term behaviors.
Recognizing achievements with carbon literacy awards
To celebrate the commitment of both tutors and students, we issue badges that recognize both tutors’ and students’ progress and achievements in carbon literacy. These awards reflect the dedication and ongoing effort to promote sustainability and contribute to a more sustainable future.